
A Record Collector's Guide

The Pietasters

Soul Sammich

Slug Tone! Records ST-05 7", released 1994

It actually took me considerably longer to track this one down than it took for me to find the Tasters' first single. Since then, it has become much more common. This is a fun single. The material from this single later appeared on the Comply CD. However, the back of the sleeve says "Material from the Second Coming of the Pietasters full length album set for release fall of 94." I find this supports the theory that Comply was planned for a much earlier release date than its eventual 1996 debut. Black vinyl on Slug Tone (though Moon Records' info can also be found on the back of the sleeve).

Version Value ($) Scarcity Price Trending
Slug Tone! ST-05 Black 12-15 5 Down
Sleeve Full Paper Sleeve

This page was last updated on January 19, 2020.

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Scarcity Score Definition
10 Near impossible: Fewer than 50 copies or publicly sold every few years
8-9 Very rare: 50-199 copies or publicly sold 1-2 times per year
6-7 Rare: 200-499 copies or publicly sold a few times a year
4-5 Medium: 500-999 copies or publicly sold ~10 times a year
1-3 Common: 1000+ copies, readily available, or publicly sold 20+ times a year

Estimated values are based on recent auction results or online sales. Commercial use of images on this site is not permitted. Non-commercial use of images permitted, with attribution to Pette Discographies. All images copyright their respective owners.