
A Record Collector's Guide



With the Lights Out

DGC B0003727-00 3xCD + DVD Box, released 2004 (U.S.)

DGC 0602498648384 3xCD + DVD Box, released 2004 (Europe)

DGC UICY-9500 3xCD + DVD Box, released 2004 (Japan)

Moon/DGC MR 1024-2/0602498646656 CD / MR 1025-2/0602498646663 CD / 1026-2/0602498646670 CD, released 2004 (Ukraine)

This box set just blew me away. There is so much great material on here I'd had no clue existed, despite having been a regular consumer in the early '90s bootleg markets. It was originally intended for 2001 release, but became wrapped up in a legal standoff. Once the Nirvana collection came out, it resolved the core dispute, and the box set got the green light. It's awesome. No vinyl for this one, though I'm certain a marketing genius will determine at some point that they could release a remastered 5 LP version, and we'll all eat it up. There were actually remarkably few variants: U.S., Europe, and Japan. The discs were also released individually in Ukraine, but I've lumped them together here into one entry. I think these were legit, but I'm not 100% sure. All versions have decreased in price over time - they are all quite affordable now.

Version Value ($) Scarcity Price Trending
DGC B0003727-00 3xCD + DVD Box (U.S.) 15-20 1 Down
DGC 0602498648384 3xCD + DVD Box (Europe) 15-20 1 Down
DGC UICY-9500 3xCD + DVD Box (Japan) 20-30 3 Stable
Moon/DGC MR 1024-2/MR 1025-2/1026-2 3xCD (Ukraine) 12-15 3 Stable
Credits Discogs: Box image

This page was last updated on May 15, 2020.

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Scarcity Score Definition
10 Near impossible: Fewer than 50 copies or publicly sold every few years
8-9 Very rare: 50-199 copies or publicly sold 1-2 times per year
6-7 Rare: 200-499 copies or publicly sold a few times a year
4-5 Medium: 500-999 copies or publicly sold ~10 times a year
1-3 Common: 1000+ copies, readily available, or publicly sold 20+ times a year

Estimated values are based on recent auction results or online sales. Commercial use of images on this site is not permitted. Non-commercial use of images permitted, with attribution to Pette Discographies. All images copyright their respective owners.