The Reputation
Elizabeth eventually got another band together, and this was the product. This album is freakin' fantastic. There I was, blithely going about my daily business, living an unenlightened Elmore-less existence. I was sitting at my computer in 2006 in Switzerland. I had my iTunes library on shuffle. Suddenly, the demo version of "For the Win" (from the Fields and Streams compilation) started playing. My head tilted a little in confusion. Then, I proceeded to listen to that song about 15 times in a row. My initial reaction to this album was that it sounded like the female subject of some of Greg Dulli's songs voicing her take on everything. It's really, really good. CD only.
Version | Value ($) | Scarcity | Price Trending |
Initial IR49 | 10 | 5 | Stable |
This page was last updated on December 7, 2019.