Team Dresch - Albums and Singles
Team Dresch...definitely one of those bands I found through the true lost art form in the digital age: the compilation. Let's see...I think it went like this...I got into Tiger Trap through a friend of mine, and in my obsessive tendency to track down every song done by a band, I picked up the Julep compilation on Yo-Yo. This led me to a song by Tattle Tale that I liked. Tattle Tale and Go Sailor had tracks on another Yo-Yo comp, Periscope...which also contained a song by Team Dresch. I liked it. I thought it was very solid. Then, while I was back in Tokyo the following summer, I came across their "Personal Best" cd in a used cd store, and that, as they say, was all she wrote. I was hooked pretty quickly, and the band's very small number of releases has only gotten more appealing over time. Team Dresch was an excellent mix of talents. All have gone on to do very good other things: Kaia's solo stuff, the Butchies, Davies vs. Dresch, the Infinite X's...all have great moments. However, when all were together, it was an even better combination of voices, powerful music, and energy.