
A Record Collector's Guide

Rocket from the Crypt


Ghetto Box Rock

Lie b/w Video Reign Man

Snap Crackle Punk SCP-001 7", released 1993 (U.S.)

Originally released in conjunction with Speed Kills Magazine #4. The record came in a white paper sleeve with a couple of things stamped on it, and was stapled to the mag. The first press was on black vinyl. It was later re-pressed in two forms: red vinyl with a red thick paper sleeve, and then black vinyl (identical to the 1st press) with a blue paper sleeve. The later pressings were numbered, so we can guess how many of each were made. Red-sleeved ones seem to roughly span numbers from 1-2,000, and blue ones go from around 2,000 up. I don't think they go beyond 3,000, though, which would mean the blue sleeves are more scarce. The quantities for sale of each would support this.

Version Value ($) Scarcity Price Trending
SCP-001 1st Pressing - Black (w/ magazine) 10-15 4 Stable
SCP-001 1st Pressing - Black (no magazine) 4-6 2 Stable
SCP-001 2nd Pressing - Red 6-10 3 Stable
SCP-001 3rd Pressing - Black (Blue Sleeve) 5-8 5 Stable
Speed Kills Magazine
1st Press Insert
Sleeve 1st: thin white paper w/ stamps, 2nd: thicker red paper, 3rd: thicker blue

This page was last updated on January 5, 2020.

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Scarcity Score Definition
10 Near impossible: Fewer than 50 copies or publicly sold every few years
8-9 Very rare: 50-199 copies or publicly sold 1-2 times per year
6-7 Rare: 200-499 copies or publicly sold a few times a year
4-5 Medium: 500-999 copies or publicly sold ~10 times a year
1-3 Common: 1000+ copies, readily available, or publicly sold 20+ times a year

Estimated values are based on recent auction results or online sales. Commercial use of images on this site is not permitted. Non-commercial use of images permitted, with attribution to Pette Discographies. All images copyright their respective owners.