Groin Thunder!

Dog Meat DOG 026 2xLP/CD/Cassette, released 1992 (Australia)
Contains the Fluid track "Our Love Will Still Be There"

This was a fun one. An Australian double LP Troggs tribute album. The line up on this one was insane, and it spoke to the tremendous influence that The Troggs had on rock music. The Fluid track on this one was (naturally) "Our Love Will Still Be There", which was the first song on their Glue EP. The comp was on black vinyl and is still fairly common. It also exists on CD and cassette.

Version Value ($) Scarcity Price Trending
DOG 026 2xLP Black 20-30 3 Stable

This page was last updated on March 4, 2022.

The Fluid Index

Scarcity Score Definition
10 Near impossible: Fewer than 50 copies or publicly sold every few years
8-9 Very rare: 50-199 copies or publicly sold 1-2 times per year
6-7 Rare: 200-499 copies or publicly sold a few times a year
4-5 Medium: 500-999 copies or publicly sold ~10 times a year
1-3 Common: 1000+ copies, readily available, or publicly sold 20+ times a year

Estimated values are based on recent auction results or online sales.